This book of images is a partial representation of an installation exhibited at the Museum of Contemporary Art/Denver in 2005. Its title was “Divisions/Divides/Distances”. The purpose in showing this set of images is for hopefully prompting viewers to visit my other website which covers a span of work from 1998 to 2014. The work was very foundational in developing and transitioning work in that time frame towards the more current work represented in this website. The website’s address is: denisgillingwater.viewbook.com. The MCA/Denver was just one of many museums in various cities where site and city specific CCTV surveillance systems, photographs, and sculptural elements were integrated into contemporaneous installations for exhibition. The MCA/Denver had over forty photographs mounted on miniature billboards “mapped” according to their location site in downtown and metro Denver. The website also shows representations of two dimensional photographic and mono-print artwork.
© 2018 Denis Gillingwater